Royalty Girls Mentor Program

Impact Stories

How has Royalty impacted you or your life? Please share your story with us in the message box below.

I cannot say enough about Royalty and the impact it’s had on my daughters. I personally can see the shift in their spiritual walk. The mentors are constant encouragers, making the mentees accountable, affirming God’s word. I couldn’t ask for a better organization for them to be associated with. I thank God for Lakeshia Pearson and all mentors on deck! Continued blessings to you all!!

Seretha Strong

My girls have really enjoyed being apart of this amazing group. It has encouraged my girls to come out of their comfort zone and enjoy life more. They have come home from meetings and be so excited because of the knowledge they have learn and the people that have poured knowledge into them. The group make sure they are only receiving the best and no negative energy is around our girls. I really appreciate God for leading Ms. Lakeshia Pearson in this direction because God has really ordered her steps and I am so proud of her and everyone that is part of Royalty because each and every last one of the ladies play a big part in our girls life. Thank you so much.

Alicia Britt

My daughter likes being a member of Royalty because through her membership, she has been given the opportunity to form a sisterhood with her peers. They have peer/mentor group discussions that are an open forum for the girls to express themselves and gain positive feedback/reinforcement that aids in self-esteem development which leads to positive decision-making. Thank you Ms. Keisha and mentors/staff for all that you do💚💜💚💜!!!

Binah Rock

“I could say a lot about this mentoring program but I would just say how it has made my daughter become a respectable responsible young lady. The mentoring program has taught her so much about life and how to believe in God. I am so glad that God gave this vision to my sister and also thank God for the support system in Royalty. She has some powerful God fearing Ladies that help her in so many way with the mentoring program.”

Carwarren Pearson

I would like to take the time to give a shout out to the Christian mentoring group "Royalty"! Several years ago my daughter became a member and from the beginning she has enjoyed herself. She has felt included, loved, encouraged, and valued as a member of this program. The founder, mentors, and other members truly embrace and support each other in Christian love. It's never been about money, they have always shown that they only want what is best for all of the girls. My daughter has learned the importance of service to others, kindness, self love, and she has grown her relationship with God. This group has reinforced several of the life's lessons that I have tried to instill in her. I trust the leaders of this group with my child and anyone that knows me knows just how much that means! #royalytyrocks!!!

Frantina Wilson

The Royalty Program has been a BIG part of my daughter life! She has been a member since the beginning and truly sees God and the way of life differently! She has meet and became friends with amazing people! The mentors are truly a big help and I want to Thank of all them! This would be an amazing program for young girls dealing with different aspects of today’s society.

Kenya Howard